Friday, 28 June 2013

nature in the home

My contribution to Lou's nature in the home series this week are these tiny white flowers which grow in clusters on a climber in our garden.  They dangle delicately against the green leaves.

The little flowers are minute but beautiful.

Each one has a solid centre, bordered in green and surrounded by three tiny white petals.  There is a little pink cluster at the very tip of each frond.

I knew they were pretty in the garden but inside on my mantelpiece I think they are beautiful.

I love taking part in nature in the home, taking time to seek out garden treasures.


  1. Such lovely images - perfect white flowers x

  2. How pretty - I love the Nature in the Garden series but haven't managed to link up for the past couple of weeks - must get my bottom into gear next week x

  3. Lovely to see this new climber x

  4. Very very pretty...
    I love bringing the outdoors in!

  5. Very pretty, I have no idea of its name? Sarah x

  6. Gorgeous! I adore all your ceramics too...

  7. Gorgeous! What is it? Jane x

  8. These are so delicate and pretty.
    M x

  9. So very beautiful indeed, I love the way they drape in their little vase x Penny

  10. OO those are lovely. We are growing a lawn right now, flowers next year i think! - Annie

  11. I would love to know what this plant is, the colours are so beautiful and it is so dainty. Have a wonderful week. Chel x

  12. such a pretty plant and pot! lovely photo, Heather x

  13. Bee, what beautiful photos. The light is lovely. And those blooms look perfect against the butterfly print. And what a gorgeous collection of white porcelain/china bits and bobs. xx

  14. What a wonderful plant, no idea what it is, but I'd love to find out :D


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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